Numbers: Preparing A People To Conquer…

worship Jul 09, 2024

Numbers: Preparing A People To Conquer (IV) – The Preacher Pollard Blog

>We see such precision in these instructions, giving us yet another object lesson concerning our God being a God of order. He is showing His people how there should be obedience, intentionality, and forethought given to how to approach Him. While this should not reduce us to a puddle of fear and trepidation when we come before Him, it does encourage us to be much more thoughtful about how we come before Him in worship today. Worship is not filled with the external trappings of tents, curtains, and furniture today. It involves preparing and presenting a heart that adores God and longs to give Him what He wants in the way He want it (cf. John 4:24).

#worship #servingGod



Um dos pequeninos de Deus. One of God's little ones.