Mornings With God : February 13

Mornings With God : February 13
> I will bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth. — Ps 34:1
It is not hard to bless the Lord at some times. There are days when all is bright. There is no sickness in our house. No recent sorrow has left our heart sad. It is easy then to bless the Lord.
But there are other times when things are different. Business is not prosperous. Or, health is broken. We begin to say this verse, but we cannot get through it. “I will bless the Lord at ___.”
We cannot bless the Lord for the broken health, for the empty chair. Yet there the words stand. We cannot make them read: “I will bless the Lord at some times: His praise shall be in my mouth on certain days – days when the sun shines.”
It is not our business to write Bible verses; it is our business rather to bring our lives up to the standard of the inspired words. So we must learn to say the verse just as it is written.
We must learn to bless the Lord on the dark days as well as the bright days. We must learn to praise God in pain as well as in pleasure.
Me: Beautiful thought here, one I need. Today is good, but tomorrow?
#Bible #suffering #Psalms